The EcoVadis Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment is an evaluation of how well a company has integrated the principles of CSR into their business and management system.
We are being evaluated across four themes of Environment, Fair labor & human rights, Ethics, and Sustainable procurement. This year’s evaluation shows that BIM Kemi is among the very best of all companies assessed within our industry.
Some of our policy strengths that were stressed by EcoVadis:
- Dedicated responsibility for environmental issues
- Dedicated responsibility for labor and human rights issues
- Dedicated responsibility for ethics issues
- Quantitative objectives set on sustainable procurement policy
- Global Compact signatory
“We are very proud of this award, which shows that our focus on sustainability and green chemistry over the years has given results. Gaining and keeping a sustainability profile is a big challenge in the chemical industry. However, we can see a change of attitude, where chemical innovation constitutes a facilitator and driver for more sustainable solutions. This award means that our partners can rely on us being a serious partner who, in a structured, clear and transparent way, can support them in their sustainable development. And we are not done yet, we are looking ahead, towards further developments and improvements.”
Maria Dahlbeck, Environmental and Regulatory Affairs Manager BIM Group